What would life look like if I followed my heart?

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A life of abundance, peace, and purpose.

Like many people, I sought success and purpose in the 9-5. Working for decades in industry was interesting, innovative, and some projects changed the world. It was also stressful, competitive and left little for a healthy, balanced home life. 

Art, mindfulness and manifestation practices were a part of my life, however only in the periphery.  Little did I understand that these practices prepared me to have resiliency, trust in my inner-voice and automated ways to combat stress.

Several years ago, when I dedicated myself to Zen, these practices went through a metamorphosis and became more central to my existence and understanding of my purpose. This increase in self-compassion, mindfulness and curiosity gave me the drive to strike out on my own to share these tools with others. 

The initial iteration of The Sunshine Moment focused on training Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) and team building in corporate and military organizations. Very worthy work to help these teams understand the vital role of balance and peace. People need moments to breathe, be heard, and feel valued. 

Contemplating on how to align my business even closer to who I am and reach more people, this realization came to me: 

~~ The path of a Bodhisattva is to follow Buddha to the place of Oneness and then come back to the world and help others along the Middle Way, toward the True Self. ~~

~~The Witch's Path is to listen to the whispers of Nature or travel to the unseen places and then come back to the physical plane and help others discover their True Self. ~~

~~The Artist follows a path to the Leading Edge of Creation, collecting, redirecting and comes back to speak through their media, calling us to return to our True Self.~~

It became clear and profound that weaving my practice, rituals, and artistic disciplines would create a unique heart-based business. I reached a place of real abundance, intuition, and an abiding love for this crazy thing we call life. 

In 2022, I gave myself a gift of a 2 year sabbatical. During this time, I attended many Sesshins (silent retreats) at the Great Vow Monastery and aligned myself with a local female-focused art studio, Paisley Studios. Both of these disciples intensified my purpose, understanding of the Self and the magical result is evident

I know with all my being that these techniques and practices should be shared in order to foster global compassion, happy humans living with purpose, and being the best stewards of Mother Earth. 

We each teach the universe what it is to be here in this moment, why not fill the space together with glorious sunshine and positivity?

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A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.

– Dalai Lama

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Dawning of The Sunshine Moment

It is difficult to explain what happens when a person becomes aware and humbled by the present moment. When you tangibly feel the presence of guides, ancestors, and spirits holding you up, encouraging. Finding untapped strength by letting go. Being treasured and perfect, as you are NOW.

The Sunshine Moment as a brand has its origins in weaving of artistic, philosophical, esoteric, and psychological disciplines. Knowing the foundation of any growth is truth and compassion, beginning with the Self.

Stand with me in an open sunny field and surrender to this moment. Be here, now.

Voiceover Demos can be found on SoundCloud

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My Practice

In 1987, I discovered the Middle Way and began a bodhisattva's journey. 

My Buddhist practice began under the discipline of Nichiren. The main focus of this discipline is the Law of Cause and Effect. What we put out there into the world (energy, focus, thoughts, emotions, words) is what is returned to us eight-fold.  Later in my journey, I discovered Zen and attended a several silent retreats. Learning to truly still the mind and answer, for myself, the only question "Who Am I?" Meditation is still the most foundational part of my daily practice and method of a positive interaction with life.

Over the years, I began to move away from the dogmatic rituals and incorporated other Buddhist points of view into what has deepened my understanding in the unity and impermanence of all, disillusionment of ego, and release of lifetimes of suffering. 

Through this practice, without knowing what was happening, I developed personal stress relief techniques and a safe, contemplative space to adapt through change. 

Ultimately, attuning to the True Self and Big Heart

The path turned me toward creating a business of my own based on Compassion in Action. To bring these techniques to the mainstream, I became certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) counseling and Reiki balancing techniques. Combined with the Agile and Kaizen methodologies, learned in my previous corporate life, I found a great way to help organizations introduce mindfulness and build productive teams by focusing on the individual's happiness.

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My Craft

When I was a small child, I would speak to the trees, birds, bugs, and wind. I would create rituals, collect plants, and followed the will-o-the wisp. My life was filled with Magic, Manifestation, and Meaning. I had complete trust in the Universe and and its signs.

As I grew, like we all do, this connection and willingness to follow these signs was replaced with schedules, technology, and obligations. Buying into societal expectations and roles, I lost faith and ignored or missed out on this loving guidance and wisdom for decades. 

With a recent re-dedication to my meditation practice, I reached a place of awareness and clarity so that these signs returned with persistence. I sought out a teacher to bring me back in full communion with the Spirits of Craft, Land, and our Ancestors. Christened as Northern Sparrow, my path is clear and the Sun (XIX) shines brightly.

Besides being born with this openness to the unseen world, my background is within the WildWood Tradition and is supplemented with disciplines or tools like Tarot, Reiki, Astrology, Yoga, Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku), Crystals, Alchemy, Numerology, and Therapeutic Art. 

Through an absolute belief in the power of visualization, importance of actionable daydreams and the unending source of compassion within and around us, I have gathered techniques to manifest, strengthen, and clarify intentions. 

I have found without a doubt that when intentions are focused on with reverence and positivity, the world is shaped as desired. When we add to this an open spirit of play and creative engagement, then the process of reclaiming or resetting ones Self is empowering.