Healing for Healers

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The Divine in me honors The Divine in you.

These foundational workshops are provided for free to heart-based entrepreneurs, wellness professionals, and the healthcare industry.

I welcome any ideas on upcoming workshops topics which you may find beneficial. If you've thought of it, there are others thinking about it too.

Contact info@thesunshinemoment.com to find out more about joining this community and about what we can do to support one another to increase capacity, compassion and empathy.

Pebbles Workshop
Those of us who have taken the leap toward building a heart-based business have some steeper hurdles than other entrepreneurs. We have a soft touch, believe in the power of compassion, and may not be so savvy in business. 
The topics of these workshops include Leveraging the Universal Laws, Finding Purpose, Entrepreneur Loneliness, and Goal Setting through Daydreaming. These workshops also serve to grow our community and hold each other up. 
Keep going! Together we are brightening the world!
Ripples Workshop
As a healer or someone who works in service to others' well-being or health, we forget sometimes to take care of ourselves.
These inspirational workshops aim to raise, replenish, and renew the vital positive energies which make this type of work possible. We will hold space together, develop tools to strengthen self-compassion and continue this important work without fear of depletion. 
Let's build a community of healers for support and spread compassion outward.

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Individual Healing Sessions

You are called to be there for others. You are bravely embarking into unknown territory. You are both sure and unsure of the path before you. You know a sustainable life filled with compassion as vital.

You are not alone. Let's talk about your mission, goals, and find ways to support the greater effort of healing the world.

These are bespoke sessions for heart-based entrepreneurs, healers, healthcare or wellness professionals based on individual goals or moral support needs.

First one is Free. Fee for continued service is barter or donation based.

Contact info@thesunshinemoment.com to connect or collaborate. 

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 

- Winston Churchill

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Recommended Readings

Below are some suggested inspiring books about Mindfulness, Buddhism, and techniques for personal betterment. Many of these are well-known and foundational in their respective disciplines. A common thread is how change can only begin within

Enjoy them on a sunny day! Study them on a rainy one.


Become What You Are
Alan Watts
Awaken the Buddha Within
Lama Surya Das
Teachings on Love
Thich Nhat Hanh


Full Catastrophe Living 
 Jon Kabat-Zin
The Power of Now
Ekart Tolle
The Things you Can See only When you Slow Down 
Haemin Sunim

Journey Further Within

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life
Hector Garcia &Francesc Miralles
Gifts from A Course in Miracles 
Frances Vaughn and Roger Walsh
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi